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To the Editor:

The lead story in your Friday issue ("Board proceeds with new plans," The Daily Pennsylvanian, 2/11/05) about the winter meeting of the Board of Trustees does not accurately reflect the comments I made in the Trustee Student Life Committee. In response to a question about student religious leaders' efforts to gain recognition in the Student Activities Council and SAC funding for their inter-religious and interfaith activities, I said that a previous SAC chair had agreed in principle to the proposal put forth but that the former student religious leaders and the SAC leadership at that time had lost traction on moving the proposal forward.

In addition, as far as I know, the current SAC board has not seen a proposal for recognition of a student group dedicated to promoting interfaith activities that can further enrich our diverse student body and campus life.

Neither did the previous SAC board vote to fund interfaith activities. The article gives the impression that I said that the previous SAC board had failed to honor a vote of its own body.

William Gipson

The author is chaplain of the University

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