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Freshgrocer hurt community

To the Editor:

Last semester, Judith Rodin gave a speech that summarized Penn's role in West Philadelphia during her time as president. She described the Penn-affiliated Freshgrocer as a space where residents of West Philadelphia and members of the Penn community can find positive interaction. Ironically, Daily Pennsylvanian reporter Benjamin Black wrote that this same establishment is forcing a local Thriftway to close, resulting in many lost jobs ("Thriftway employees' status to be determined," DP, 09/09/04).

It is disturbing that the better grocery store is the one being forced to close. Like many people who live in West Philadelphia, I prefer Thriftway for its lower prices, logical organization and lively staff. I avoid Freshgrocer's overpriced foods and cramped aisles that are nearly impossible to navigate. Black erroneously called the layout of Thriftway "obsolete." In fact, it functions very well. Certainly, Freshgrocer's capricious layout is anything but an improvement on the 1960s plan.

Freshgrocer makes an excellent parking garage, but it is ill-suited to selling food. It is harming the West Philadelphia community and making grocery shopping a little more unpleasant for us students.

Robert MacNeill

College '07

Women's Health not great

To the Editor:

Although I agree with Jessica Lussenhop ("Appreciating American attitudes on our health," DP, 09/10/04) that we women at Penn "have access to an intelligent health service that doesn't rebuke or condemn us," I have hardly found Penn's Women's Health Service "welcoming." Last semester during midterms, I called Women's Health Service to schedule an emergency visit for a very uncomfortable health problem and was forced to suffer for several days before the first available appointment. The first physician's assistant I saw misdiagnosed my problem; not only did I waste quite a bit of money for an ineffective prescription medication, but I also suffered physical discomfort through several important exams.

Finally, after a second visit, another physician's assistant diagnosed me correctly, and I recovered quickly. However, after the encounter, I vowed never to visit the Women's Health Center again. The next time I have a gynecological problem, I'll head home to my family doctor. Even with the five-hour round-trip train ride, it will still be more efficient than the Penn system.

Jacelyn Link

College '07

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