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Three Yale University students were killed in a car accident on snowy Interstate 95 at about five A.M. Friday morning. Sophomore pitcher Kyle Burnat, former Yale football player Sean Fenton and Andrew Dwyer were kiled, while their six companions in the sports utility vehicle were injured - three of them seriously. Senior Eric Wenzel, who plays both football and lacrose, is in critical condition. He was named the lacrosse team's MVP last season for his work at goaltnder. Brett Smith, a freshman quarterback, and Nicholas Grass, asophomore righthanded pitcher, each reportedly suffered serious unspecified injuries. Zach Bradley, a sophomore baseball player, sustained a broken jaw and a broken left arm. Cameron Fine and Christopher Gary, both freshmen on the football team, were diagnosed with relatively minor injuries. There had been several minor accidents along that stretch of I-95 in the previous hours, presumably due to the snowy conditions. In this instance, a tactor-trailer lost control and began a chain reaction accident, into which the SUV crashed. Along with being athletes, many of the students involved were members of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Yale's basketball game, orignially scheduled for tonight against Brown, was postponed to tomorrow as a result of the tragedy.

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