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A Penn Police patrol car hit another vehicle yesterday morning, sending a civilian to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania for treatment and evaluation, and knocking over a traffic light.

The accident happened shortly before 8:45 a.m. at the intersection of 41st and Walnut streets.

Both the officer and the woman who was driving the second vehicle were taken to HUP for treatment.

"The [male] officer was released and is at home in good condition," said Mike Fink, deputy chief of operations, yesterday afternoon. As of early yesterday evening, the woman, who Fink would not identify, was being kept at HUP "overnight for observation for a laceration on her head." The woman was the only person in the vehicle when the accident occurred.

According to Fink, the police officer, who was responding to a call for backup involving a reckless driver on 42nd Street, was traveling westbound on Walnut when his car struck a black car in the intersection at 41st Street.

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