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The sight of female students on campus doesn't raise any eyebrows or provoke stares these


But for the two women who entered Penn in 1876, their presence surely drew attention, as the then

all-male school found itself suddenly transformed into a coeducational institution.

The University began commemorating this historic event today with the 125 Years of Women at Penn

celebration -- a tribute to the admittance of women and the contributions that alumnae have made

to both the University and society.

"What it's meant to celebrate is the foresight of a great university to take in women when others

did not and to show that the women were women who dared to dream," said University Trustee Judith

Berkowitz, chairwoman of the celebration.

"We want to celebrate the women who came after them, successive generations who had more they

were able to do and achieve," Berkowitz added. "It's very empowering to know your history."

The celebration, more than two years in the making, was planned largely by alumnae, and grew to

include over 400 members on the planning committee.

For complete coverage, check out tomorrow's Daily Pennsylvanian or log onto

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