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On revising Penn's ID policy

To the Editor:

Over the past five years, the University of Pennsylvania has instituted many measures with the goal of enhancing the safety and security of Penn community members. One such measure, implemented in December 1998, was a new security policy for 24-hour academic buildings.

The policy requires that anyone entering such a building between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. visibly display their PennCard. In January 2000, the policy was expanded to include all campus buildings used by students, staff and faculty between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Since then, reported incidents of crime have measurably decreased -- criminal incidents are down dramatically, and personal safety inside campus buildings is greatly improved.

Building upon the success of this program, Penn's Division of Public Safety, in collaboration with deans, senior administrators and undergraduate and graduate student leaders, is exploring the benefits of expanding this policy to encompass all University buildings.

Currently, there are several buildings on campus that have already enacted a PennCard display policy, and by all accounts, consider it very successful.

I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize for the University community that this proposed policy applies only to the interiors of University buildings. This policy does not suggest that people are required to display their PennCards on city or campus thoroughfares.

Over the next few months, the Division of Public Safety's Advisory Board will discuss this issue and make recommendations to me. I in turn will discuss those recommendations with the president, provost and executive vice president. The University community will be advised of any proposed recommendations and will have ample time to respond to them before any changes are made to existing policy.

Maureen Rush

Vice President

Division of Public Safety

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