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and Edward Sherwin A naked Drexel University freshman fell three floors last Thursday from the house of the fraternity he was pledging, suffering serious but nonfatal injuries, officials and friends said. Paramedics arrived at Drexel's Sigma Alpha Epsilon house at 206 N. 34th Street at 1:28 a.m. and transported Craig Lieberman, 19, to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, said Lt. Tom Lawson of the Philadelphia Fire Marshal's office. As of late last night, he was listed in "satisfactory, stable condition" at HUP. It is unclear exactly what happened, especially whether Lieberman was drunk and whether he fell or was pushed out the bathroom window. His roommate said Lieberman and his fellow pledge class members were going through the final phase of initiation known as "Hell Week." Drexel's student newspaper, The Triangle, reported on Friday that the marketing student from West Orange, N.J., was first listed in critical condition and underwent major surgery Thursday. "He's doing a lot better now," said Drexel freshman Jon Kegerise, Lieberman's roommate. "He can talk and everything." Kegerise added that Lieberman sustained a broken elbow, multiple broken ribs and a bruised lung as a result of his fall. But he said he did not believe that his roommate suffered a skull fracture as reported in the Triangle. HUP officials were unable to comment on the extent of Lieberman's injuries. Kegerise said he did not know if his roommate was drunk at the time. Drexel Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Greek Life Shane McGoey said the Drexel Division of Public Safety is investigating the incident. Drexel security officers refused to comment last night. According to the Triangle, Lieberman was found naked on the south side of the house. Fraternity members who requested anonymity told the paper that the incident was a result of fraternity hazing. As a result of Lieberman's fall, officials put Drexel's SAE chapter on probation and ordered its letters to be removed from the house. All Greek functions were also canceled for the weekend, according to Kegerise. Drexel's Student Handbook defines hazing as "any action taken or situation created, intentionally, ?[which] produces physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule." If Lieberman's fall is linked to hazing, SAE would be subject to disciplinary actions under Drexel policies. After probation, the fraternity could face the more serious charges of suspension, suspension of recognition and, ultimately, complete withdrawal of recognition. The state could also file charges against Drexel and SAE. Lieberman will be in the hospital for another week and then will "rest up for a week at home," Kegerise said. But Williams said she could not estimate how soon Lieberman will be released, adding that it depends on how quickly he recovers. If the accident is found to be alcohol-related, it would be the latest in a series of alcohol-related tragedies at eastern universities since August. Virginia Tech sophomore Melinda Somers fell to her death from an eighth-story dormitory window after drinking on Halloween night. And on November 30, University of Virginia senior Leslie Baltz died from alcohol poisoning after she fell head-first down her apartment stairs. Other recent alcohol-related deaths occurred at Louisiana State University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Daily Pennsylvanian staff writer Jeremy Reiss contributed to this article.

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