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(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted) (All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALK(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 5044(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 5044Libraries: 7554(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 5044Libraries: 7554Newman Center: 7575(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 5044Libraries: 7554Newman Center: 7575Nursing School: 8285(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 5044Libraries: 7554Newman Center: 7575Nursing School: 8285Palestra: 6117(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 5044Libraries: 7554Newman Center: 7575Nursing School: 8285Palestra: 6117PARIS: 573-PENN(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 5044Libraries: 7554Newman Center: 7575Nursing School: 8285Palestra: 6117PARIS: 573-PENNPennTrex Phones: 573-5050(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 5044Libraries: 7554Newman Center: 7575Nursing School: 8285Palestra: 6117PARIS: 573-PENNPennTrex Phones: 573-5050Performing Arts: 2312(All numbers begin with 898-unless otherwise noted)Academic Advising: 6341Admissions Office: 7507Affirmative Action: 6993Alcohol and Drug Education: 2219Annenberg Ticket Center: 6791Athletics: 6121The Book Store: 7595Bursar Bills: 1988Career Planning: 7531Chaplain: 8456Christian Association: 386-1530College of Arts and Sciences: 6341Computing Resources: 9085Counseling: 7021Daily Pennsylvanian: 6585/6581Dining Services: 6471Disabilities: 7803DuBois House: 5253Engineering School: 7244English House: 4262Escort Service: RIDE or WALKFinancial Aid: 1988Franklin Field Tickets: 6151Fraternity/Sorority Affairs: 5263Freshman Seminars: 6341General Honors: 7451General Information: 5000Graduate Students Association: 3150Gimbel Gym: 6101Greenfield Intercultural Center: 3357High Rise East: 5258High Rise North: 5254High Rise South: 5256Hill House: 5237Hillel: 7391Hospital (HUP): 4385Hutchinson Gym: 8383International Programs: 4661Intramural Sports: 6101Judicial System: 5651King's Court: 4262Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 5044Libraries: 7554Newman Center: 7575Nursing School: 8285Palestra: 6117PARIS: 573-PENNPennTrex Phones: 573-5050Performing Arts: 2312Penn Police: 7297 (non-emergency) President's Office: 7221 Provost's Office: 7227 Quadrangle: 6886 Reach-A-Peer: 573-2RAP Registrar: 7511 Residential Life: 3547 Sports Info: 6128 Sports Medicine: 662-4090 Student Life: 6533 Student Health: 662-2860 Tutoring Center: 8598 Undergraduate Assembly: 8908 University Museum: 4000 University Life: 6081 Weather Forecast: 4CST Wharton School: 7607 Women's Center: 8611 Writing Center: 8525

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