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Members of the Penn community who are not representatives on University Council will have a chance to address the body at its meeting today. But by the November 27 deadline, Council had only received one request for time. Today marks the annual Council open forum, where students, faculty and staff have traditionally received up to three minutes each to speak. The only request sought the chance to comment on the University's current policies regarding consultation and representation on committees and governing bodies, according to Faculty Senate Chairperson Peter Kuriloff, an Education professor. But those who missed the deadline for informing the Office of the University Secretary may still get the chance to speak, if Council Moderator Will Harris wants to allow it. Harris is also a Political Science professor. At most other Council meetings -- which are open to the public -- only members can speak, although presenters and experts in specific areas have been asked to make presentations in the past. During the first hour of the meeting, which begins at 4 p.m. in the Quadrangle's McClelland Hall, Provost Stanley Chodorow will address Council in his State of the University speech -- delayed from last month's meeting because University President Judith Rodin took the entire time to announce plans for facilities enhancement. Chodorow said he plans to discuss graduate education, research and globally oriented programs. "I'm focusing on these areas because they are major responsibilities of the provost and important aspects of the University's academic program," he added. Council will have 10 minutes to discuss the provost's presentation, which will be followed by the open forum at 5 p.m. The entire meeting is open to the public.

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