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As students head home for the Thanksgiving holiday, University Police strongly recommend several safety precautions for on- and off-campus residents. · Secure or remove all valuables, and make sure they are marked with some identifying number. Engravers are available at the Special Services Unit at 3927 Walnut Street. · Close and lock all windows, shades, drapes and blinds. Lock and bolt entrance doors to rooms or apartments. · Use timers on lights and a radio or television to give your residence the appearance of being occupied. · If you live off campus, register your residence with Public Safety for speacial checks during the break. ·ETake extra precaution when walking alone on or near campus, especially after dark. · Your answering machine or voice mail should never indicate that you are not at home. Always use plural nouns in your greeting even if you live alone. (Use "We can't come to the phone?" instead of "I am not home?") · Turn all exterior lighting on before you leave. If your exterior lights do not work or are not on a photocell, be sure to contact your landlord regarding these security devices before you leave for break. · In case of an emergency, call University Police at 511.

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