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Three deans receive additional five-year terms; new chaplain comes to Penn after five years at Princeton As usual, the summer saw faculty and staff positions created, abolished and filled, as outgoing administrators finished their duties and the restructuring process continued. A look at some of the departures and arrivals: · William Gipson, former associate dean of religious life at Princeton University, was named Penn's new chaplain early this summer. Gipson replaces Interim Chaplain Frederic Guyott, who served the University for 11 months and had applied for the permanent position. Guyott succeeded Stanley Johnson, who had been the chaplain for 34 years. Gipson said he feels his five years at Princeton will give him enough experience and enthusiasm to serve Penn properly. Gipson became a Baptist minister in 1980 and was ordained as a deacon and elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. · Physics Professor Ralph Amado was named vice provost for research. He had served as acting vice provost for research since September 1995. Amado will continue to oversee policy and administration for the University's $350 million research enterprise. He will direct development and implementation of policies that promote research excellence, and will also serve as the University's chief spokesperson on research-related matters. Amado said he will focus on building interdisciplinary partnerships among University departments. He will also work toward developing additional resources for early-stage research projects. Amado replaces Chemistry Professor Barry Cooperman, who stepped down last year to conduct his own research projects. · Kenneth Wildes took over as director of communications on July 1. As the University's central spokesperson, he will develop a comprehensive public relations strategy, while advising University President Judith Rodin and other administrators on P.R. issues. Wildes came to Penn from Northwestern University. In May, when the appointment was announced, Wildes said he looks forward to working with everyone at this "extraordinary" institution. The position had been vacant since March 1994, when Carol Farnsworth left the post for a similar position at the University of Denver. Wildes was in charge of communications for 14 years at Northwestern before coming to Penn. · Medical School Dean William Kelley, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Dean Gregory Farrington and Wharton School Dean Thomas Gerrity were all reappointed as the final part of their review process. The three came under review late last year as their seven-year terms drew to a close. All deans come under review during their sixth year if they want to be considered for reappointment. The three are now eligible to serve for five more years, after which they must step down, according to Nancy Nowicki, an assistant to Provost Stanley Chodorow. The review committees examined issues such as long-term handling of the school, student and faculty scholarship quality and financial management and development. · · John Prendergast, a 1980 University graduate, has been named the new editor of the Pennsylvania Gazette. The Gazette is the alumni magazine of the University of Pennsylvania. Prendergast was chosen from a "huge number" of qualified applicants, both alumni and non-alumni, according to Alumni Relations Director Martha Stachitas. He said he plans to tap into the "wealth of information" stemming from the research done at the University. "I'm [also] interested in what it is like to be a student at Penn now and I suspect other alumni are too," he said. "So, I'd like to do more in that area." Prendergast takes the place of former editor Anthony Lyle, whose 31-year term ended last year with his resignation. Lyle's resignation came amidst controversy over alleged administration interference in the magazine's editorial content. Official University statements said he left "to pursue other options," but several other board members resign after Lyle did. Prendergast said he anticipates no difficult working effectively with University administrators. · James O'Donnell, a Classical Studies professor and faculty fellow in Van Pelt College House, will serve as the new faculty master for Hill College House this year, according to Chris Dennis, director of Academic Programs in Residence. O'Donnell is also the current interim vice provost for Information Systems and Computing. O'Donnell was recommended for the position by a joint faculty, staff and student nominating committee, chaired by Electrical Engineering Professor Jan Van der Spiegel, faculty master of Ware College House. O'Donnell succeeds former English Professor Robert Lucid, Hill's faculty master for the past 18 years. Lucid retired at the end of last school year due to a severe eye condition called macular degeneration. Though may Hill House residents and advisors say the residence is still "feeling the loss of Lucid," Lucid himself said O'Donnell was a good choice for the job. · Michael Masch has been named the University's new executive director of Budget and Management Analysis. Masch was recruited from Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell's budget office. As the new executive director, Masch will have responsibility for constructing, monitoring and adjusting the University's budget. · Michael Diorka, a former Tulane University recreational director, was appointed director of Intramural Recreation Sports, giving him the opportunity to lead structural changes for the University's Recreational Sports Programs and Services department. In June, two high-ranking officials from the department retired, giving Athletic Director Steve Bilsky the opportunity to rectify some inadequacies he saw within the program. As the new director of recreation, Diorka plans to improve the quality of the facilities and programs for the "regular student." Two preliminary ideas include creating an advisory board and a Web site to include dates and times for departmental events. · Following a prominent year as interim judicial inquiry officer, Michele Goldfarb was awarded similar duties under a new title -- director of the Office of Student Conduct, a job created by the new judicial charter. Recently, Goldfarb has worked to define the Code of Academic Integrity and the Code of Student Conduct. She is also director of the Student Dispute Resolution Center and is responsible for ensuring that the disciplinary process is fair, timely and consistent. She said she hopes to make herself more accessible and open to student interest. · Gary Hack will serve as the new dean of the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Provost Stanley Chodorow announced. Hack had been a professor of Urban Design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass. Hack replaces Interim Dean Malcom Campbell, who is planning an early retirement in order to work in Rome. Campbell said he is "happy" about the appointment and feels that Hack is a good choice for the job.

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