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Engineering junior Neil Sheth was re-elected president of the Class of 1997 in this week's Senior Class Board elections, defeating College junior Dave Rosen. Sheth will begin his third term as the class's president. Sheth said last night he did not know whether he would win, explaining that he did not think the fact he was incumbent had a bearing on the election turnout. "I didn't know who this guy [Rosen] was really or how many people he knew," he said. "I just needed to get the people I needed out there to vote." Sheth added that Monday's rainy weather made this difficult because "it was hard to filter people into Houston Hall," where the voting took place. "We had as good a turnout as we could," he added. This year's voter turnout was only 16.2 percent, according to Class of 1996 President Lenny Chang. The Wharton senior added that last year's turnout was 25 to 30 percent. "This was a very disappointing year when it came to voter turnout," Chang said. Outgoing Senior Class Board member Mike Nadel, a College senior, agreed that the weather played a role in the low turnout, adding that another factor could have been that juniors "were content with Neil Sheth's leadership." "I think there was a lack of energy in the Class of '97 campaign which I hope the Class of 1998 and '99 campaigns make up for," he added. Nadel, a Daily Pennsylvanian columnist, also said he thought students were "turned off by the negative campaigning that was run by one of the losing candidates for president." College junior Abby Altman defeated incumbent Alex McClennan, also a College junior, for the position of senior class vice president. Engineering junior John Boyle was re-elected secretary by acclamation, as was College junior Rebecca Waranch for treasurer, Nursing representative Shari Glueo and Wharton representative Jason Sturman. The College representatives will be juniors Hayley Lattman and Stacey Caruso. All ran unopposed. There was a tie for the position of Engineering representative, between Brennan Binford and Shilpi Kansal. There will be a run-off tomorrow to determine which junior will represent the school. There will also be a run-off between College juniors Crystal Uyematsu and Jason Brenner, a Daily Pennsylvanian columnist, for the position of class historian. Both candidates gained more votes than the third candidate, College junior Renee Fishman. Students will be able to vote on Locust Walk from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow, Chang said. If it is raining, voting will take place in Houston Hall.

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