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More than 600 juniors and seniors recently received invitations to join a new chapter of the Golden Key National Honor Society. In existence almost 20 years, Golden Key will be presenting a charter to the University for the first time on April 30. College senior and Chartering President Lisa Getson described Golden Key as "a non-profit, academic honors organization founded for the purpose of recognizing and encouraging scholastic achievement among students from all academic fields." Only the top 15 percent of the University's junior and senior classes is eligible for membership in Golden Key, she added. Students inducted into the Society will receive career assistance and lifetime membership in the organization. In addition, two annual scholarships will be awarded to the most distinguished junior and senior Golden Key members. The University's chapter will support a variety of activities -- from serving the community to providing social interaction, Getson said. According to Associate English Professor Alice Kelley, the group's charter advisor, students from different backgrounds and interests will be able to share their experiences and learn from each other. Getson said she hopes the University's Golden Key chapter will increase faculty and student interaction and help students get involved in the community. "[We're looking for] people with curiosity, imagination [and] energy who want to get together and make some kind of difference in the University of Pennsylvania and West Philadelphia," Kelley said. She added that Golden Key "is an experiment as far as Penn is concerned, but it's something worth trying." Golden Key National Honor Society was founded at Georgia State University in 1977 by a group of undergraduates. Applications for the University's chapter are due tomorrow.

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