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A student said she was sexually assaulted on campus, Victim Support and Special Services Director Maureen Rush said last night. "We're handling a confidential report involving a student on campus," she said. "In relation to that [report] we want to get information out for people to know what the process is for handling sexual assaults." Rush said because of the nature of the incident, she could not provide specific or detailed information such as the location or time of the alleged assault. The University Police log book revealed that a report was taken in High Rise South. This does not mean that the rape took place there, though. Rush did, however, outline many of the support services available through Victim Support and encourage students who believe they or their friends are victims of sexual assaults to contact her office. "Friends are encouraged to support victims/survivors through this process, and they can also make the call through this process, and Victim Support will follow up on that," she said. Rush said the University provides multiple services to victims of sexual assaults or rape. "The victims/survivors needs will be met holistically, physically, mentally and legally," she said. Victim Support and Special Services, located at 3927 Walnut Street, is a unit of the University's Division of Public Safety that focuses on giving survivors of rape, sexual violence and hate violence careful attention, according to the Safer Living Guide. Students who are raped can go to Victim Support to be advised on where to go to receive proper medical care and to find immediate counseling. Rape survivors, or of other forms of violent abuse, have several counseling options though Victim Support, including the Penn Women's Center, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Crisis Center, a Student Health Practitioner, University Counseling Service and the Faculty/Staff Assistance Program. Victim Support will also help students interact with police and the judicial system should the student decide to prosecute. Students are guaranteed confidentiality when they use the services of Victim Support. According to the Guide, services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students may contact Victim Support by calling 898-4481 during the day, or 898-6600 anytime day or night.

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