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Celebrating their tenth anniversary last night, members of Chord on Blues joined other University performing arts groups in an all-out spectacle of talent and comedy. Joined by improv comedy troupe Without a Net, dancing group Arts House Dance, and an a cappella group from the University of Maryland, called Maryland Faux Paz, Chord on Blues sang a collection of mostly alternative and rock songs. According to the group's president, Dave Ragsdale, this anniversary show is giving members of the group the opportunity to meet alumni of the group, many of whom are coming to see tomorrow night's performance. "It's cool to talk to the people who started the group 10 years ago and to meet these Chord on Blues legends," the College senior said. For one member of the group, College sophomore Raphael Lee, this show is particularly special because he is also a member of Arts House Dance. "This lineup provides me with a rare opportunity to showcase my two favorite activities under one roof," he said. Without a Net opened the show, and was very popular with the audience. "Our act gives the audience the chance to kick back, relax, and laugh," said Without a Net member and College freshman Paul Alvarez. When the members of Chord on Blues took the stage, they were dressed in outrageous outfits, ranging from dresses to habits. "All my life I've been waiting for the opportunity to dress like a nun, and now Chord on Blues is giving me the chance," said Engineering freshman Dave Lurie. The group sang many popular songs, including "Hey Jealousy" by the Gin Blossoms and "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. After a few songs, the group took a break while Arts House Dance dazzled the audience with their dancing. Then Maryland Faux Paz sang a few songs. Chord on Blues used this show as an opportunity to plug their new CD, "Rip Chord," which is being sold after the show for $12. The show was very well-received by the audience. "This is the best I've ever heard them," Wharton senior Juliana Herde said. "They've grown to be a very top notch singing group." "At one point, I got the shivers," Nursing freshman Karen Henrichs said. The show will be on stage again tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in Harrison Auditorium. Tickets are on sale on Locust Walk for $5, and can also be purchased at the door.

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