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For anyone in the mood to celebrate, the Penn Newman Center was the place to be last night. Almost 50 students and faculty members came together to take part in the Center's first Saint Patrick's Day Happy Hour. And as can be expected, the Center was appropriately decorated with green streamers and shamrocks, and there was plenty of food and drink for everyone. The Newman Center sponsors many events of this sort throughout the year, according to its director Father Tom McGann. McGann said he hopes that by opening its doors to members of the University community, the Center will lose its reputation of being solely a religiously-affiliated organization. "Hopefully this will break down the stereotype people have of the place," he said. "I want to encourage all students to use [this] place." College junior Jeremy Chiappetta, president of the Newman Council, explained that his group wants the Center to function like a student center does. "Our goal is to foster community," he said. The goal of the evening was to provide a relaxing environment in which students and faculty could get to know each other a little better, Chiappetta said. The Center was successful in getting faculty members to take part in the festivities. Some saw the Happy Hour as a great opportunity to meet students. "As an alumnus of the Newman Club and as a member of the administration, I like to show my support," said Executive Secretary of the General Alumni Society Mike Huber. "It's also a way for me to meet students." Andrea Caroll, coordinator of the Matching Gifts Program, agreed, adding that, "we need to participate in what the students are participating in to find out what they are doing." Many who attended said they think the evening was a success. "It's great that so many faculty showed up," Nursing junior Joy Lowe said. "I'm really impressed." College sophomore Larry Bozzelli agreed. "It's really nice that all these people could come together in a relaxed environment," Bozzelli said.

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