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The Nominations and Elections Committee began distributing petitions yesterday for vacant spots on the Undergraduate Assembly and election officials said they hope for a "precedent-setting" election. "It would be nice if they would start a precedent of their class being more involved with undergraduate student government," NEC Elections Committee Chairperson Colleen Bonnicklewis said yesterday. "I hope this leads to classes following this one voting in elections . . . and participating in the process." The UA has openings for eight freshmen, a Nursing School position which was not filled last spring and one Engineering School position which became available last week when UA member Tobias Dengel resigned his post because he is spending the semester in Czechoslovakia. Turning in signed petitions to the NEC is the first step in the UA's election process. Petitions are available in the UA/NEC office in Houston Hall and must be returned along with candidates' statements by Thursday at 4 p.m. College junior Bonnicklewis said freshmen need 112 signatures to begin campaigning on Friday. Nursing students need five signatures and Engineering students need 29. The required number of signatures is based on the student population of the school or class. Bonnicklewis said she does not know how many people have picked up forms so far, adding that NEC's only concern is attracting a lot of people to campaign for the UA spots. And UA Chairperson Mitch Winston said yesterday that a large number of candidates would indicate that freshmen have faith in undergraduate student government. "When you run as a freshman, it's much easier to talk to your constituents because you know the people who vote for you," Winston said, adding that he is looking for candidates who "are willing to work hard and have a willingness to learn about the issues on campus." Campaigning for the positions begins Friday morning at 6 a.m. and elections will be held on Monday and Tuesday. Bonnicklewis said the NEC will announce the results next Wednesday after holding a hearing about campaigning violations.

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