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A man with a shotgun held up a West Philadelphia resident Monday night near 42nd and Locust streets and stole her car, police said yesterday. According to police reports, Philadelphia Police responded to a call of a screaming woman on St. Mark's Place between Walnut and Locust streets at 10:14 p.m. Monday. A Philadelphia Police spokesperson said yesterday that a man carrying a shotgun underneath his coat approached the woman in the car, lifted up his coat to reveal the shotgun, and demanded her car. Police said the woman got out of the blue 1991 Mazda, and the man -- described as five-feet, 11-inches tall and wearing a grey sweatshirt -- jumped in and drove off. In a separate and unrelated incident, a woman was robbed at gunpoint of her purse, jacket and earrings while she was walking her dog on the 4000 block of Spruce Street, University Police Sergeant Michael Fink said. A suspect, wearing a black shirt and jeans, was last seen fleeing north through University Parking Lot 31, on the north side of Spruce Street. Fink said the suspect's accomplices were arrested by University Police near the scene, but it was unclear if the the person who committed the robbery was caught. Fink said he could not say how many accomplices were arrested.

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