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A University student was robbed at gunpoint during the early morning hours Thursday in a University parking lot on the 4200 block of Spruce Street. According to University Police Lieutenant Susan Holmes, the male student was robbed by a five-foot, eight-inch man who had a dark complection and was wearing a blue nylon windbreaker with lime green stripes. After robbing the student around 1 a.m., the man fled south on 42nd Street on foot. The student was not injured and Holmes did not know what, if anything, was stolen. University Police also responded to several other incidents yesterday. Two people were robbed of their purses outside the Bicycle Express store on 40th Street between Walnut and Locust Streets. In the first incident, a female University student standing outside of the shop reported her purse was stolen at about 4:15 p.m. yesterday. According to Holmes, the student was approached by three suspects, one of whom reached into her bookbag and removed her purse containing $15 in cash and an automatic teller card. The two male suspects and one five-foot, five-inch, long-haired female suspect fled west on Locust Street, according to Holmes. Bicycle Express cashier Leslie Mag said yesterday that the student, who came into her store to report the crime, told her a male suspect brushed up against her and took her wallet. One witness, College senior Robert O'Leary, said when the suspect was confronted by the victim, the suspect said, "I ain't got your wallet." Holmes said one of the suspects -- a six-foot, three-inch 28- to 30-year-old male -- was last seen wearing a red cap, jeans and carrying a leather jacket. The second male suspect was five-foot, five-inches tall, weighing 130 pounds, wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt, and was 18 to 20 years old. In the second incident, a complainant reported her purse and its contents, including credit cards, were stolen at Bicycle Express at 7:23 p.m. Wednesday. In other incidents, three University buildings were burglarized during the last two days. The Edison Building at 3231 Walnut Street was broken into Wednesday night by an unknown person who broke the office window on the south side of the building, according to Holmes. The burglar stole a Sharp radio which was on the window sill. In a separate incident, the Chemistry Building was burglarized by an unknown person who removed $50 dollars in cash and other assorted articles from a locked combination safe. The incident, which happened sometime between 4:30 p.m. Wednesday and 8:30 a.m. yesterday, was reported to University Police at 11:15 a.m. yesterday. Holmes did not know how the burglar entered the building, but said that the safe was not forced open. In a final incident, an unattended, unsecured wallet was stolen from a desk drawer in the Clinical Research Building, according to Holmes.

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