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This is the only conclusion we can make. Why in the world would he want to resuscitate the failed Constitutional Convention? Why else would he want to thrust such suffering upon himself? Last year, under UA direction, more than 35 capable student leaders wasted their time for an entire academic year trying to come up with a new framework for student government. Of course, the effort was doomed from the beginning because it attempted to gain input from every special interest group on campus. Instead of twiddling their thumbs in the Convention, the student government leaders should have been concentrating on making the current government work. The current framework seems be working alright What's the problem? Even if they had come up with a plan that all the diverse interests on campus could agree upon, there is no way the new constitution would have been adopted. To pass, it would have required that 20 percent of the undergraduate student body vote in the election. When is the last time 20 percent of the undergraduate student body voted in a UA election? Never. Winston's first priority should be to figure out how to run the UA. Let the Constitutional Convention rest in peace.

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