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A University Police vehicle was hit braodside by an oncoming car Thursday evening when the police ran a red light in pursuit of another vehicle, observers said. "It threw the vehicles at least 15 feet," said local resident and observer Pete Morse. "If it wasn't for the pole [which the police car collided with] it would have gone into [Burger King]." The police car was travelling south on 40th Street and the oncoming traffic hit the car while travelling west on Walnut Street. "The police had their lights flashing and their sirens going," Morse added. "The first two lanes stopped for the police -- the third crashed into the car." The two officers in the accident were Hue McBraeen and John Newton. They are in "good condition" according to University Police Lieutenant George Clisby and are currently attending occupational therapy. In a separate incident, after attempting to rob a food vendor on the 3300 block of Market street Saturday, a man was arrested for possession of an illegal gun, according to University Police Sergeant Larry Salotti. The man attempted to rob a food truck and, in trying to escape, caused an auto accident involving a Honda which he and his accomplice then abandoned. Later, a Glock 17 gun was found in the car and one of the two men was arrested by a University Police officer, Salotti said. In an unrelated incident, University Police Lieutenant Susan Holmes was approached by a University student at 6 p.m. on Tuesday night. The student reported being robbed of $35 by a man with a sharpened stick on the 4000 block of Spruce Street. The victim refused medical treatment despite lacerations on his hand, Holmes said. Salotti said that a female University student was robbed of $80 cash at gunpoint Monday night in the vestibule of a building on the 200 block of South 41st Street. No arrests were made. A woman, shopping in the WaWa Market on the 3600 block of Chestnut street, was robbed at gunpoint last Thursday night at 11 p.m. The male perpetrator robbed her and fled the scene. Neither the assailant nor the victim was affiliated with the University, police said. A male University sophmore was robbed at gunpoint by three males early Saturday morning at a gameroom on the 4000 block of Spruce Street, Salotti said. At approximately 4 a.m. the student was in the arcade, when he was approached from behind by three men. They demanded his wallet and put a gun up to his back. A gold chain and a gold bracelet were taken from him. A 17-year-old juvenile was apprehended on the 3300 block of South Street Monday night, after attempting to steal a bicycle from a University student, Salotti said. The youth, in an attempt to steal the University student's bike, held a gun to her. She refused to give up the bicycle and escaped. The assailant was later caught and taken to the 18th Police Precinct headquarters. Four offices of Meyerson Hall were broken into this weekend. The robbery of audio equipment, speakers, and money was noticed Sunday morning when University Police was notified. There are no suspects in the case. Three men attempted to burglarize the Sam Goody store on the 3700 block of Walnut street at noon on Thursday, Salotti said. The men were later caught, but the store decided against pressing charges. One of the men, police said, was a parole violator. Two men attempted to steal bikes early Wednesday morning from outside the Clinical Research Building. The men were apprehended, and at least one bike owner decided to press charges, Salotti said.

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