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Two major University union contracts expired last Thursday and, according to University officials, one was resolved. The University re-negotiated a new contract for the University housekeepers last week, Labor Relations Manager Jack Heuer said. The housekeepers, who are represented by Teamsters Union Local 115, agreed to a new three-year contract that increased pay and benefits for the employees. "The primary issue was wages -- and they were increased," Heuer said earlier this week. "We believe that it is a contract that both the union and the University can continue to operate." Head of Local 115 John Morris said that the hourly wages will increase 40 cents this year, 40 cents next year and 41 cents the year after. "We think the contract is good," Morris said. "The union members voted 100 percent for it -- not a single 'nay' vote." Although the University Police contract also expired August 1, no contract has been finalized yet. Heuer said, however, that this is not unexpected since the detectives, officers and corporals just elected to change unions. The new union, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 115, just took over August 1. "They are operating under the working conditions of the previous contract," Heuer said. "We expect to enter official negotiations in the near future." American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 590, which represents the library support staff, completed their contract negotiations with the University earlier this summer.

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