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Dennis Yao was named to the position by President Bush to replace Andrew Serino on the five member commission. FTC Chairperson Janet Steiger administered the oath of office in a ceremony at the Commission's headquarters. The FTC is a federal regulatory agency organized to investigate unfair business practices, including false advertising. Yao, who considers himself Democrat, has a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University's Graduate School of Business and wrote his dissertation on the regulation of the automobile industry. He came to the University as a lecturer in 1983 and designed and taught the course "Competitive Strategy and Industrial Structure," for MBA candidates. The class focussed on teaching the graduate students strategies to succeed in a oligopoloies, a marketplace which contains few competitors. Yao also taught courses in business-government relations covering regulation, antitrust and consumer protection issues. Prior to earning his Ph.D. Yao was a product planner for the Ford Motor Company and earned his MBA from the University of California at Berkley. Yao attended Princeton for his undergraudate education and earned an engineering degree. Yao's term on the commission will expire in September 1996. Yao lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Jane Morley, a doctoral candidate in history of technology at the University. -- Stephen Glass

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