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A University student was robbed by an assailant armed with a pointed weapon on the 4000 block of Walnut Street last week, according to University Police Lieutenant Susan Holmes. She said that the assailant escaped last Wednesday with the victim's class ring and an undisclosed amount of cash. Also on campus, the David Rittenhouse Laboratories Building was broken into on three seperate occasions. A $150 calculator was reported stolen on Friday morning and a fax machine was reported stolen the following day. Undercover University Police apprehended a man illegally entering DRL at 3 a.m. on Tuesday and Holmes said he is the suspect in all three incidents. She added that the University property was returned. A WaWa sales clerk at the 39th Street convenience store was robbed at gunpoint last Wednesday morning. Holmes said a man trying to shoplift from the store pulled a gun when the clerk attempted to stop him. The assailant, Holmes said, escaped in a late model brown Chevrolet. On Thursday evening at 8 p.m., four people armed with knives approached an area resident on the 4400 block of Baltimore Avenue. The victim was robbed of five dollars. Another area resident was robbed at gunpoint Saturday morning on the on the 4300 block of Locust Street. The wallet contained four dollars. Also on campus, a 1984 Cadillac was reported stolen from the parking lot at the Levy Tennis Pavilion Tuesday at 10:40 p.m. Six homes were also robbed over the past week, Holmes added. Four crimes last week were committed on the second floor of four separate homes, Holmes said Tuesday. Included in these robberies was a digital synthesizer that was stolen from a home on 4000 block of Walnut. In a seperate incident a stereo was stolen from a house on the 4200 block of Chestnut Street. Also last week, a 35 millimeter camera and $15 in cash were stolen from a house on the 4000 block of Spruce Street. The incident was reported at 5:20 a.m. last Thursday morning and ended with the thief's flight down a fire escape.

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