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Spring Fling isn't just for undergraduates anymore. Today, the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly is sponsoring a "Springtime Reception," being held at the Institute of Contemporary Art aimed at an older crowd. With wine, other beverages, and assorted appetizers on the menu, GAPSA is hoping to bring graduate students together and make students more aware of the activities available for graduate students. According to outgoing GAPSA Chairperson Susan Garfinkel, the reception is part of GAPSA's ongoing goal to increase social interaction between the different graduate schools. "It's also a chance to get into the 'Spring Fling mode,' " Garfinkel said. The program will have several events aimed specifically to engage the graduate students, with one highlight being a jazz quartet composed of Wharton MBA students, according to GAPSA Vice-Chair for Activities and Special Projects Elizabeth Burgess. "Because they're graduate students, it's appropriate to get them involved," said Burgess. The reception was planned over the last four months by GAPSA's Social Committee, which also planned the 250th Anniversary Party held this past fall for graduate students. The committee, which was composed of representatives from all 12 graduate schools, had first discussed holding another party, said Elizabeth Burgess. "We decided the best thing to do would be to go with a reception," said Burgess. "It's a little less formal, more flexible, and much more convenient." "It's an opportunity for GAPSA to get the 12 graduate schools together and collaborate," said Burgess. "It should be an enjoyable event." Fliers were sent to graduate students through their departmental mailboxes and posters were hung announcing the event, which is open to all graduate and professional students and their guests. The reception will begin at 5 p.m and run until 7:30 p.m.

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