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The conference, titled "Common Ground: Building on the Strength of Diversity," will consist of a series of seminars and discussions about increasing diversity awareness on college campuses. Students from the University, Temple and Drexel universities, and Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore colleges have been invited to attend the event. College junior Nancy Kupfer and College freshman Grace Esteban were selected by the AAUS to be undergraduate diversity facilitators, or liaisons between the Unviersity and the AAUS. The two students will organize diversity awareness events at the University along with other participants of the conference. John Mohawk, a professor at State University of New York and a mediator during the struggle between the Canadian government and Mohawk Indians this summer, will give a keynote address on Friday evening at 7 p.m. Mohawk will speak in the Law School room 100. -- Roxanne Patel

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