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Credit: Chenyao Liu

A Penn Fire Department officer searched the pro-Palestinian encampment on College Green for fire hazards, drugs, and alcohol, suggesting that it did not sufficiently meet fire safety requirements.

At 5:24 p.m. encampment organizers told those assembled that a "fire marshal" would begin searching the encampment in 20 minutes, and instructed those assembled to clear the encampment of anything against guidelines. At the time, the Division of Public Safety confirmed with The Daily Pennsylvanian that they will be searching for “any fire hazards.”

A request for comment was left with a University spokesperson.

The search began at 5:48 p.m., when the chief of Penn Fire Department began conducting a sweep of the encampment. The marshals began checking every tent, starting with those on the perimeter. 

According to encampment organizers, a fire officer conducting the sweep of tents for fire hazards called the setup unsafe due to the tents' proximity to each other. The officer requested that organizers create a clear pathway for individuals to exit from the encampment.

In response, an organizer said that — while they would be happy to rearrange the encampment to make it safer — Penn's administration has prevented the encampment's expansion by installing barricades and not allowing them to use the other side of College Green.

The sweep of the encampment concluded without incident, and a barricade near College Hall was moved to make additional space in response to the officer's concerns.

The search was conducted with body cameras on, and masks were offered to anyone who wanted them.