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Ua Elections Center

Get to know the candidates running for Undergraduate Assembly and don't forget to "vote": Find out who's running for positions on the Class Board "here": Check out footage from "The Daily Pennsylvanian Presidential and Vice Presidential Debate":, the "Diversity Presidential Debate":, the "Civic and Political Engagement Presidential Debate":, the "UA Steering Vice Presidential Debate": and the "Student Activities Presidential Debate.":

03/18/12 4:16pm

Jake Shuster

Hi, I’m Jake Shuster “the Money Booster,” and I’m excited to be running for UA President. As Civic and Philadelphia Engagement Director and Treasurer, I have achieved tangible results.
03/18/12 4:15pm

Dan Bernick

If you’re happy with the UA, vote for someone else. If you remember when the UA made your life better, vote for someone else.
03/18/12 4:15pm

Abe Sutton

I’m Abe Sutton, and this past year I served as Academic Affairs director on the UA. In my term I brought up the number of syllabi posted on PennInTouch and partnered with student groups to recommend ways to increase faculty diversity such as grossing-up.
03/18/12 4:14pm

Matt Rosenberg

As the Vice President of the UA, I will strive to make your college experience as great as it can be.
03/18/12 4:14pm

Erich Reimer

My name is Erich Reimer and I’m asking for your vote to be your UA Vice-President. As Vice-President, I will remove the barriers between us to build a more united, diverse and collaborative Penn community so that we can create “One Penn.” From freshmen to seniors, we’ve all accomplished much, yet still strive to achieve even more.
03/18/12 4:13pm

Will Smith

Hi everyone. My name is Will Smith and I’m a college sophomore running for re-election as your SAS UA Rep.
03/18/12 4:12pm

Dan Bernick

If you’re happy with the UA, vote for someone else. If you remember when the UA made your life better, vote for someone else.
03/18/12 4:12pm
Hey College Students! My name is Joyce Kim and I am running for re-election for the Undergraduate Assembly.
03/18/12 4:11pm

Willie Stern

My name is Willie Stern and I am running to serve as your college representative on the Undergraduate Assembly.
03/18/12 4:11pm

Ernest Owens

Over the past two years I have communicated with you through the web, radio, television, and of course, The Daily Pennsylvanian.
03/18/12 4:10pm

Danielle Golub

Hello fellow Penn Students, I, Danielle Golub, am running for reelection to the Undergraduate Assembly as a representative for the College of Arts and Sciences.
03/18/12 4:10pm

Jake Shuster

My name is Jake Shuster “the Money Booster,” and I’m excited to be running for UA President. As Civic and Philadelphia Engagement Director and Treasurer, I have achieved tangible results.
03/18/12 4:09pm

Abe Sutton

I’m Abe Sutton, and this past year I served as Academic Affairs director on the UA. In my term I brought up the number of syllabi posted on PennInTouch and partnered with student groups to recommend ways to increase faculty diversity such as grossing-up.
03/18/12 4:09pm
If we’ve never met before, hello there! My name is Jenny and I’m excited to run for my second term on the UA.
03/18/12 4:08pm
No statement.
03/18/12 4:08pm

Gabe Delaney

As a UA Representative, I want to say thank you to the Penn Community for giving me their trust in my ability to positively contribute to our student government.
03/18/12 4:07pm

Erich Reimer

My name is Erich Reimer and I’m asking for your vote to be your UA Vice-President. As Vice-President, I will remove the barriers between us to build a more united, diverse and collaborative Penn community so that we can create “One Penn”. From freshmen to seniors, we’ve all accomplished much, yet still strive to achieve even more.
03/18/12 4:07pm

Josh Chilcote

There are many things that make Penn great. It was because of the great possibilities this university has offered me that I decided to run for the Undergraduate Assembly to represent the College of Arts and Sciences.
03/18/12 4:06pm

Nikolai Zapertov

To my fellow Quakers in the College, I am running to be your UA Rep so that your needs are better represented, whether they are of a social, academic, or housing nature.
03/18/12 4:06pm

Stephen Ahn

HI! I’m qualified to represent SAS in the UA because of my extracurricular involvement and experience in working with with Penn administration and the UA.