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03/05/25 6:57pm
Columnist Elijah Ramirez critiques the Wharton School’s preprofessional culture that prioritizes capital and status over passion and ethical responsibility.
03/05/25 11:13am
Guest Columnists Amy Offner and Sam Layding encourage Penn employees to push back against administration's anticipatory obedience to executive orders.
03/04/25 9:00pm
Senior Columnist Piper Slinka-Petka argues that at Penn, social savvy and networking has become the new merit.
03/04/25 8:31pm
The Daily Pennsylvanian Editorial Board emphasizes the importance of this newspaper’s opinion to our community.
02/28/25 7:00am
Columnist David Tran exposes a harmful fallacy in the rhetoric against test-optional admissions — and how we perpetuate it. 
02/28/25 6:00am
Columnist Jesse Van Doren highlights the pitfalls of a test-optional admissions policy.
02/28/25 6:00am
The Daily Pennsylvanian Opinion Editor Jack Lakis introduces the DP’s new spring 2025 columnists.
02/27/25 6:00am
Columnist Eric Najera argues that Penn students should embrace Wharton. 
02/26/25 6:00am
Columnist Eden Liu delves into the arguments against term limits for elected officials and the detriments that they would incur.
02/26/25 6:00am
Senior Columnist Mariana Martinez explores the tensions between morality and politics in the context of the new Trump administration.
02/25/25 12:00pm
Columnist Elo Esalomi questions whether the DEI era ever led to real change or if it was just corporate window dressing. 
02/25/25 6:00am
Columnist David Tran proposes the closure of 34th and 33rd streets to connect the Engineering School with the heart of campus.
02/25/25 6:00am
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that elite colleges act as marriage markets but romantic relationships do not demand compatibility; they necessitate complementarity.
02/24/25 8:00am
Senior Columnist Mritika Senthil questions the agenda behind Penn’s NIH funding crisis email and reduced graduate admission rates.
02/21/25 7:56am
Senior columnist Mia Vesely highlights the diversity of the Black student experience at Penn this Black History Month.
02/20/25 6:00am
Columnist Jason Zhao dives into the history of American identity to argue that the only thing that defines us as a people is our inability to be defined.
02/19/25 6:00am
Columnist Simar Soni discusses why situationships are an epidemic for Generation Z that must be cured. 
02/18/25 9:41am
Senior columnist Diya Choksey examines how, in a school where everyone is brilliant, status has beecome the real competition.
02/17/25 10:19am
Columnists Tiyya Geiger and Piper Slinka-Petka highlight how love at Penn is alive and introduce their new column with a special alumni story.
02/16/25 7:26pm
Columnist Roshan Gopal argues that music shares similarities with addictive drugs and that we should pay attention to how much we listen.