Frequently Asked Questions

What time is the current issue published online?

Content is published online throughout the day and night, largely on weekdays. The Daily Pennsylvanian is published in print on Thursdays and online when University of Pennsylvania classes are in session, and is not published during final exams, University holidays or fall, winter and spring breaks. Breaking news and sports results are frequently added to the site whenever necessary, however, so the website is often updated on weekends and during vacation periods.

The website is updated with content regularly throughout the summer as well, and a summer edition of DP Daybreak is published in print from May to August on every Thursday morning. PDFs of the print edition of The Daily Pennsylvanian can be found online here.

Our weekly arts and entertainment publication, 34th Street Magazine, is available online at and is published in print monthly. Our satire publication, Under the Button, releases content online throughout the week.

What does offer me that I can't find in the print version of The Daily Pennsylvanian?

The online edition features numerous interactive features, videos, photo galleries, and podcasts. In addition, articles and photographs that don't run in print due to limited space in the newspaper are published online. Online articles often contain links to other articles or websites with related or additional information — making it as easy as pointing and clicking to get background and additional information on subjects of interest. Also, news runs on a 24-hour cycle, and offers real-time updates that are simply not possible for a print edition.

You can access The Daily Pennsylvanian's archives, dating back to the very first issue of the newspaper in December 1885. Our search tool also provides access to more than a decade's worth of our online content. You can look for articles by keywords and/or date range, or browse all the articles in any section of the site for any prior month.

Feedback on each article allows readers to add their own comments to articles on the site. You can browse what others have to say, and add your own voice at the click of a button.

We also provide information on our staff, advertising in the paper and online, and the Daily Pennsylvanian Alumni Association. And we have many opportunities for our readers to submit story ideas, corrections, and letters to the editor through our contact us page.

How far back do the archived articles go?

The search tool allows you to search any articles published online since January 2001. The archive of our print editions dates back to The Daily Pennsylvanian's first print edition in December 1885. PDFs of the print edition since January 2014 are also available online.

Articles are automatically added to the searchable archives as they are published, so all content up through the current edition is available when you search the site. There are more than 30,000 articles in our archives.

Why aren't the ads in the printed DP online?

Simply taking print ads, reducing them so that they'll fit onscreen, and placing them online generally doesn't work well; some are hard to read while others take a long time to download to your computer. The internet is a different medium than print, and there's a lot of experimenting going on in the online community about how to effectively put advertising information in a useful, interesting format. Interactivity, sound and video clips and links to other sites are all pieces of the equation. The site currently features several sizes of online-only banner ads. For more information about online advertising, see our advertising page.

Why doesn't include the crossword puzzle that appears in The Daily Pennsylvanian?

Our contracts with the suppliers of these syndicated materials are based on the circulation of our print edition, and do not allow us to post them electronically for unlimited global distribution.

If you have a question or comment about, or an item that you'd like to see added to this list of frequently asked questions, please send it to Executive Editor Diamy Wang. We'll add new items here from the questions we receive. Don't forget to keep checking the website for new sections and features.