Open Letter: 'Hey, Want to Work on the Homework Later? Not Tonight, Though.'

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April 3, 2018 at 7:10 am
To my favorite homework partner:
Hey. Want to work on the homework tonight?
It's due in a couple days, so it would be great to get a head start on it. I haven't looked at it yet, but David told me it wasn't too bad. We could probably bang it out in a few hours.
Oh, shit. I just realized I've got a few meetings later, so tonight won't work. How does tomorrow sound?
Never mind, I have a midterm the day after tomorrow, so I have to study for that. Ugh. I'm just so busy lately.
Okay, how about we both do it on our own and compare answers in two days? I know it's due at midnight that day, but it should be fine if we've already done most of it beforehand. I promise I'll actually do the problems. Sorry about last time!
So, let's definitely work on the homework later. Just not tonight.
Your favorite homework partner