4 Passive Aggressive Ways to End an Email

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November 18, 2017 at 10:41 am
1. Respectfully
Signing off respectfully just means everything said in the email was insulting, and the writer wants to play it down. It’s pretty much the adult version of “no offence.” So, that email from your writing sem professor basically just said “no offence, but your lit review’s proposition is bifurcated.”
2. A Detailed Signature
This one is for when you email your friends that didn’t get into an Ivy League, especially for the friends that go to Michigan.
Sara Ashkenasy
The Wharton School
The University of Pennsylvania
The Ivy League
Not Penn State
3. Check the piazza
When a CIS Professor is unamused by incompetent CIS students emailing him questions he already answered on the piazza, he can just sign off with:
Check the piazza,
Prof Chirlian
4. Warmly
Warmly is the worst offender of passive-aggression as far as email sign-offs go. You usually get warmly from someone either higher up than you or from someone teaching you. It’s their way of saying, “hey pal, I’m just like you. I get where you’re coming from.” Similar to "respectfully", it softens all the harsh critiques of you earlier on in the email.