Passover Miracle: Student Parts Locust Walk to Escape Flyering

Photo: Daniel Ge with edits by Sam Sedor / CC 2.0
April 11, 2017 at 11:58 am
It took the Jews hundreds of years to be liberated from slavery in Egypt, but only forty-five seconds for College sophomore Ari Katz to break free from students handing out flyers on Locust Walk.
After being cornered by Buddhist dance group Strictly Monk this morning, Katz pushed aside masses of students with a wave of his hand, thus allowing him passage to freedom in a miraculous miracle reminiscent of the parting of the Red Sea from the Passover story.
“I was really not interested in going to their show,” commented Katz. “But they were so persistent. I guess I just channeled something.”
No students were harmed in the miracle, but representatives from Strictly Monk indicated they were offended by "slight overreaction." When asked if he might be the messiah, Katz responded, “I don’t know. It’s possible. Sometimes when I make toast I know exactly when it will be done, and I point at the toaster saying ‘done,’ and the toast pops up. So you tell me.”