Juniors Excited for Third Annual 100th Annual Hey Day

April 26, 2017 at 7:37 pm
In 2015, juniors came together to celebrate the 100th Annual Hey Day. A year later, the next class of juniors came together to celebrate the Centennial Hey Day, which is another way to say the 100th Annual Hey Day.
Current juniors from the Class of 2018 were unsure of what year this Hey Day would be: the 101st, or the 102nd? Neither, as it turns out. This year, again, will be the 100th Annual Hey Day. Awesome!
The 2018 Class Board released a statement on the decision to make the 100th Annual Hey Day a yearly celebration.
"Students seemed to love the 100th Annual Hey Day back in 2015, and they seemed to love it again in 2016. So we thought hey, let's not deprive future classes of this fantastic event. It's time to make the 100th Annual Hey Day an annual occurrence. From now on, each Hey Day is going to be the 100th Hey Day. We'll reconsider it, maybe, when we reach 200 years or something. For the foreseeable future, though, it's the 100th Year every year."
Reactions from the student body were generally positive.
"I'm not really that concerned with what number year this is," College junior Michael Mars told us. "I'm just going to get drunk and eat some styrofoam hats, which is always a good time."
Another junior, Marissa Stibbler, was even more excited. "If it has to be a numbered year, it might as well be the 100th. 100 is a nice round number, and you can use the 100 emoji in Instagram captions and all that. I like the idea!"
The plan was not free from criticism, though, as a junior who chose to remain anonymous shows. "This is just incredibly stupid," the student said. "Like, why would we have more than one 100th Hey Day? I think they just messed up and did it two years in a row, and now they're stuck and covering their tracks by making it an annual thing."
However you feel about these changes to Hey Day, one thing is certain: you and your friends are not getting into the Quad.