Pro/Con/Pro: Wearing Fling Tanks
April 14, 2016 at 5:11 pm

It's the Thursday afternoon before Fling, which means only less than 24 hours before everyone stops wearing real clothes. The question is: are the tanks really worth it?
Con: You’re coming off your winter bod. Do you really want to be in a tank?
Pro: You can rep the cool clubs off which you derive your social value.
Con: But now everyone will know you’re in the fill-in-the-blank Undergrad Advisory Board.
Pro: Or it’s a sick humble brag. Now everyone will know which fraternity/sorority you’re in... jk your friends already know, and they’re annoyed by your cover photos.
Con: Fling tank designs are an issue. You’re just not as original as you think. #kygologo
Pro: You don’t have to plan your outfit.
Con: Or you’re giving up the opportunity to wear a cute festival outfit and tell everyone how you went to Coachella.
Con: Your Friday morning TA (who is aggressively threatening you if you skip class) will judge your semi-inappropriate-for-class outfit.
Pro: You’ll have a souvenir in your boring, post-grad life—you can make a quilt out of all those Fling tanks…or whatever. Pinterest that shit.
Con: You always end up with too many tanks. Every group you’re in is making one! Even your 3 person Yiddish class! You’ll end up spending all your money on tanks and have none left for fling alcohol! And you’re already droppin’ hundos on the pool party.
Con: You definitely can’t wear it to the pool party, Evan Robinson will be taking pictures. #dresstoimpress.
Pro: Fling tanks are (usually) unisex. They defy gender norms.
Con: Ultimately, you’re just a pawn in our capitalist consumer culture. Let that sink in. *drops mic*