ShutterButton: Quad Residents Seek To End Squat-Walking

February 4, 2015 at 4:35 pm
Second semester is rough – it's cold, and you have to listen to that one friend who won't shut up about OCR. Sometimes you just need to let loose in the quad bathroom, only to find out after you're ready to face the world that there's no toilet paper. So, then what? It's squat-walk time. Squat-walking poses serious risks – imagine shimmying from one stall to the next in desperate need of relief, only to have your most intimidating hallmate open the door and catch you in the act.
Thankfully, one quad-dweller is taking a stand, armed with blue sticky notes, a red sharpie, and some very impressive cursive. This note is much more respectful than the last bathroom manifesto, so we'll hop on board with the cause: UTB encourages you take a stand against the horrors of squat-walking.