Bike Share Finally Comes To Philly
September 29, 2014 at 7:37 pm

In a move to catch us up to almost every other major East Coast city, bike share is coming to Philadelphia! But before they plop down some bikes, they need our help to choose its 60 locations from an array of options, four of which are comfortably within the Penn bubble.
Comment on the bike share location survey to ensure we won't have face the prospect of having to actually walk to Market, or even Baltimore, for a bike. (We recommend answering the "being comfortable at night" question less like your mother and more like a West Philadelphian).
Will this new influx of blindingly bright bikes influence Penn's bicycling ban on campus? We predict no, but maybe our ticketing signs will get a little more colorful. Watch out PennCycle, competition is coming and its name is Nutter.