Philly Mag Steps Over the Line, Yet Again

July 5, 2014 at 6:16 pm
Sometimes Philly Mag publishes upsetting articles, in which they say we're cheap jerks or have a drinking problem. It hurts, but as we attend to our wounds we can admit to ourselves that there may be nibbles of truth in that commentary. But this time, Philly Mag's "Fighting Words" section has published all-out libel: a condemnation of Wawa worship.
The author, who is new to Philadelphia, suggests that we "get over" Wawa. In a plea akin to asking your rabbi to just "get over" Judaism, she wonders at the unconditional, unwavering love of a "convenience store."
We have one simple reply. Or rather, 100 simple reasons why Wawa transcends mere convenience store status. The "baby talk" name? A reflection of the primal need for Wawa felt by infants and drunken college students alike. The "just coffee" coffee? See reasons 5, 6, 15, 18, 28, and 57 please.
As the author suspects, Wawa worship goes beyond appreciating the genius that is touch-screen ordering and free ATMs. On a deeper level, we love Wawa because #51, it epitomizes Philly. For Philadelphians, Penn students, and Pennyslvanians worldwide, home is where the hoagies are.