12 Signs You Didn't Even Know It Was Earth Day

April 22, 2014 at 6:05 pm
Yep, that's right — it's April 22nd. Earth Day. While you were SABSing on College Green and admiring this beautiful spring day, it probably didn't even once cross your mind that the Earth is having a great hair day too, thanks for noticing, and it just wants a little respect.
Here are some tell-tale signs that you weren't planning on celebrating the Earth today:
1. You got your Chipotle burrito wrapped in gold. And had your guacamole sprinkled with gold flakes, which is why it cost you SO much extra today.
2. You Uber-ed to and from your class in DRL. And the Uber was an SUV.
3. You built a bonfire with all your class notes. What, like the sun started going down and you were just WORRIED, okay? What if it got cold?
4. You unblocked all the outlets at Capo. Every other day of the year: a victory for all Penn students; today: environmental murder.
5. And then you ordered avocado gelato. That is def not locally sourced.
6. You rode the elevators in the high-rises up and down for an hour. On purpose. Because you were bored.
7. You left the shower running until your entire apartment filled up with steam. The extra money on your water bill was so worth having a DIY-sauna and avoiding Pottruck, where you’re forced to look at people working out and have to share your sauna-space with plebeians.
8. You put your half-eaten Magic Carpet pita in the recycle bin instead of the waste one. SOMEBODY SORTS THAT SHIT OUT BY HAND. Come on!
9. You uprooted half the plants in your garden to create a flower headband. Now you can finally have a profile picture that is both topical and makes you look like a five-year old. #sospring
10. You just got back from Coachella because you drove there and back. And you Instagrammed the whole thing, and we’re not liking any of them and it’s not because we’re bitter. It’s because your carbon footprint is embarrassing.
11. You bought a new fur for your fur-themed mixer this weekend. Like your old ones aren’t good enough? What, now is the time to buy more?
12. You ate at a dining hall. Wait, this one is totally Earth-friendly.