March 20, 2014 at 9:03 pm
YOU BUETTA BELIEVE IT, YOUR FLING HEADLINER IS GUETTA. (Okay, we'll guetta room with our bad puns.) Under the Button confirms what those in Perelman Quad right now have just realized: David Guetta is playing Fling, following Ra Ra Riot & Magic Man!
Looks like SPEC's EDM obsession is alive and well, bringing a DJ to headline for the third year in a row – but many will say this time's the charm, considering Guetta's canon of chart-topping hits and mainstream accessibility. When they signed him, they were prob just like, "Nothing to lose. Fire away. Fire away."
Maybe next year we'll get a pop diva who sings, but for now we'll hope – nay, insist – that David brings Kelly Rowland along for the ride for a legendary guest appearance.