A "Note" To Email-Loving Startup Founders

November 18, 2013 at 1:15 pm
Today's lesson on how to not promote your startup comes from Engineering freshman and founder of note-sharing site "Noteriety" Adam Elkassas, who blasted 500 Wharton email addresses (from Aarumugamangalam to Brown, and probably more) without using bcc.
Of course, we've basically given up any hope of privacy anyway, but a little common courtesy, ya know?
One recipient didn't help matters and replied-all:
No, really. Great call not even using Bcc when you randomly emailed all of us. Good stuff.
Did Elkassas lose a customer? Unclear. With a tagline of "Get A's. Make Bank.", Noteriety seems tempting. But first, we have to get over its Privacy Policy:
We will not send you any unsolicited emails except for information about your account. We permit you to opt-in to receive certain communications from Noteriety. If at any time you want to opt-out of receiving communications from Noteriety, please contact [EMAIL ADDRESS]. When contacting us, please provide your email address, name, postal address, and/or telephone number(s) in order to be sure we handle your request correctly. We do not sell, lease, or rent our email lists to third parties.
If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, or you want to report a known or suspected privacy or security breach or to submit privacy- or security-related questions or complaints, please contact us by: Phone: ____________________ E-mail: ____________________ Regular mail: ____________________
If you're already on your way to getting A's and making bank, let us know how it's going in the comments below or at [EMAIL ADDRESS]. We'll maybe keep your info private.