Chasing Amy: China Edition

May 28, 2013 at 11:59 am
While even a casual run-in with Amy on Locust can make us swoon, recent Facebook pics and statuses reporting A-Gutt sightings in Hong Kong have got us green with envy. Starstruck Penn students have been bumping into our dear old Prez abroad, and we want to know what color suit she was wearing why.
According to this Penn News article, Amy G traveled to Asia earlier this month to host an alumni event aimed at improving relationships between the University and its international graduates. She also announced plans to open a Penn Wharton China Center in Beijing to connect local entrepreneurs and Penn alumni. So basically, Wharton does run the world.
However, Madame Prez's trip does stir the pot a little, given the controversial comments regarding China that Joe Biden made at Penn's commencement ceremony. In fact, a group of Chinese grads were so outraged that they drafted a petition to get Biden to apologize for his remarks.
Despite the tension that may accompany A-Gutt's trip, we wish her nothing but safe travels. We bet she even wears an eye mask when she sleeps on planes. She's classy like that.