Become a Social Ivy Butterfly!

December 4, 2012 at 11:07 am
Raise your hand if you thought that email Sunday night was tapping you for an exclusive society. Alas, it turns out The Social Ivy, which emailed most of the student body, is not so glamorous - although it sure sounds like it wants to be. The gist (scam?) is that a valid Penn email address deems you "worthy" to get free drinks and half off meals at certain (unnamed) Philly restaurants.
The elitist mission statement aims "to widen the gap between the cool, friendly kids of Penn and the anti-social shut-ins at other Ivies." And you have to answer questions and invite friends to prove you're both smart and suave. AND THE "DRINKS" ARE NON-ALCOHOLIC. Deception. Also, who are the gorgeous models?
It's all made possible (or is it?) by generous alumni donations, although why wouldn't they just donate to Penn? There are lots of questions about the legitimacy of this bizarre new website, which is apparently based in Harrison. Give your two cents or sound off in the comments about your experience...if you've dared to take them up on their offer.