Arianna Huffington: Also Coming to an Irvine Near You!

October 25, 2012 at 1:34 pm
Fresh off the news of Kal Penn's visit to campus, SPEC has announced its fall Connaissance speaker: HuffPo empress and namesake Arianna Huffington. Penn will speak at Irvine two days before the election and Arianna will (joyously or mournfully) take the auditorium the night after America heads to the ballots. Needless to say, Penn will not be lacking star power the week after next.
Huffington has a lot of accomplishments under her designer belt, like having a top online news site and content aggregator, founding the first digital media enterprise to win a Pulitzer and getting spoofed on SNL, but her greatest honor to date will surely be having the most popular college president introduce her at Penn. That's right, A-Huff and A-Gutt are BFFs! Tickets ($5 in advance) for the November 7 post-election powwow are now on sale online and on Locust - don't miss out on Arianna making Penn her little potato pancake.