Chasing Amy Special Assignment: One Night In Paris

October 8, 2010 at 4:14 pm
Up until now, things with Amy have been relatively light. We scooped her weekend of movie-going and football-watching and were pretty proud. But when we looked ourselves in the mirror at night, we knew there had to be more. We knew we had to take Chasing Amy to another level.
So we went to Paris.
It is our honor to provide you the Official Recap of Amy's visit to the Penn on the Continent reception at the Hôtel de Talleyrand-Périgord. Wine! Cheese! Administrators!
If you want the pictures and full story, go on after the jump. If you really want to feel like you're living the action (or want some exclusive notes) check our live Twitter coverage from last night @underthebutton.
The evening began with a pregame for the real reception for some kind of Leadership Alumni group of whatever. We're fairly certain we weren't actually invited to this part, but like... there was wine. Amy shouted out some kid who applied to Penn this year- a Mr. "Baker." Anyone tryna bet on his chances?
Yeah, we're just, uh, looking for Amy by the food table. If you tried the cheese poofs you'd hang around them too.
Oh look, it's bestie Admissions Dean Erica Furda. An angel just got its wings.
Finally! Time for Amy's speech. Good thing we're so tall. She's talking about things like giving Penn money, visiting Penn, and how this week is the Econ Scream. Cute, shoutout to the freshman class. Wait, you want us to re-enact the Econ Scream? Here? Except you want us to yell "Go Quakers..." Are we drunk enough for that yet? Is there even a drunk enough for that yet?
WE FOUND HER! In her natural habitat, Amy thrives among young alumni/study abroad folk. We must say, the cream suit is stunning.
There was a post-game at an Irish pub (we're convinced all Irish pubs are Blarney wannabes but hey, we'll take it). Irish people were playing violins and accordions and such. Fun was had by all (on Penn's tab).
Then, like all good nights, we ended at (Shy)Wawa.
We hear Amy was in London next, but our London correspondent was, um, busy. If anyone wants to sponsor a UTB trip to her next internatnional location, that'd be great, otherwise we might just reuse the Paris pictures.