We are nearing the end of a primary process that has galvanized our club and the country as a whole. We’ve seen it play out in debates, in caucuses and primaries, and on social media. In particular, we have loved hearing presentations at our meetings from student groups supporting each candidate.
It is now March of 2020. The world is embroiled in an international pandemic of unprecedented proportions, and America is stuck with a commander-in-chief who has addressed it with incompetence and negligence. COVID-19 aside, Republicans at every level and in every state have been engaged in a nonstop assault on reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, immigrants, working people, and people of color. It is more clear than ever we need Democrats in the White House, Congress, and in state legislatures across the nation. More than ever before, we also need a leader capable of guiding our country and restoring our democracy. That Democrat at the top of the ticket will be Joe Biden, and Penn Dems is proud and excited to endorse him.
We did not make this decision quickly, nor did we make it without careful deliberation. It’s clear at this point that Biden will win the Democratic nomination in July and represent the Democratic ticket in November. After a long and divisive primary, we know he was not the first choice of all of our members, but he is our best choice, and we will enthusiastically campaign for him in the fall. We may not agree with every one of his past decisions, but we have confidence that his administration will guide us towards a better future.
Without a doubt, Joe Biden will be the most progressive president in our history. He will stand against the National Rifle Association and fight for gun safety. He will listen to scientists and take bold action on climate change to ensure the health of our planet. His judicial appointees will safeguard our civil rights and prioritize the needs of people over those of corporations. While Trump has met this national crisis with incompetence and corruption, Biden’s decades of public service and his fundamental empathy will help him support the people of America. We applaud his commitment to serving with a woman Vice President and nominating a Black woman to the Supreme Court, historic gains for representation. He has built a diverse coalition of support that will be necessary for victory in November.
Biden will be the most progressive Democratic nominee yet, in large part because of the work of other candidates and people in the progressive movement. We are inspired by Sen. Bernie Sanders, his campaign, and his supporters. We applaud the work he has done in pushing this primary field — and this country — further to the left. The energy and vision of his campaign speaks to a genuine desire to make this country better for everyone, and this passion will be needed and welcomed as we all work to defeat Trump in November. We are encouraged by Biden’s willingness to adopt progressive policies, including a plan to make public colleges and universities tuition-free, and Elizabeth Warren’s bankruptcy reform proposal.
As students and young people, we would like to see even more progress on healthcare, climate policy, and economic justice for all people in this country. Young people are a necessary component of any winning coalition, and championing the issues important to us will make him a better candidate in 2020 and a better president in 2021. We hope that students find a home in the Biden campaign, and that the Biden campaign prioritizes the needs and visions of those students.
When we finally return to campus in the fall, we will be in the midst of the most important election of our lifetimes. Penn Dems is beyond excited to table on Locust Walk, knock doors each weekend, and gather student support for Joe Biden and Democrats up and down the ballot. Pennsylvania is one of the most important battleground states in 2020, and we’re lucky to be positioned to make a major impact. Regardless of who your top-choice candidate was from this vast primary field, we need you with us in this fight. Our future depends on it.
Owen Voutsinas-Klose, President
Tamara Wurman, Vice President,
Michael Nevett, Political Director
Francois Barrilleaux, Legislative Director
Emma Wennberg, Communications Director
Alison Royce, Outreach Director
Cassy Ingersoll, Membership Director
Dylan Radley, Treasurer
Emilia Onuonga, Secretary
The Executive Board of Penn Democrats endorsed Joe Biden with a two-thirds majority vote on March 19th. For more information, visit http://penndems.org.
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