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Beer of the Week: Cookie Swap Weiss

The Beer

Beer Classification: German Weizenbock
Beer History: Classic German dark wheat ale brewed at a higher strength
Familiar: Penn students & staff that love the world renowned cult classic Schneider Aventinus will love this little brother version!
Great With: Honey, goat cheese, flatbread or nachos... all beers go with nachos.
Fun Fact: this was the 4th collaboration beer between City Tap and Philly favorite Yards Brewing.  The beer is built to mimic and be paired with winter cookies—holiday or girl scout.

Ben Fogel

Senior, studying history and psychology, flip phone enthusiast 

“As you trudge through February, wandering through the waning days of
 winter and waiting for those first signs of spring, try “The Yards/City 
Tap Cookie Swap Weiss” which delivers a much needed dose of holiday joy 
in the new year. 

The Cookie Swap Weiss, a classic German dark wheat
 ale brewed at high strength, is a collaboration between City Tap House
and Yards Brewing Co. in Northern Liberties along the Delaware River.
 Strong, malty, and fruity, the Cookie Swap is refreshingly balanced
 and accented by the sweet taste of ginger and cinnamon.

 Great to pair with their Honey Goat Cheese flatbread or perhaps with 
their Roast Pork Hash, the Cookie Swap Weiss is a surprisingly 
flexible beer. I’d also be remiss if I didn’t at least suggest picking 
up a box of Girl Scout Samoas before heading to Tap House for the 
Cookie Swap.”