Read on for more tips and advice from The Daily Pennsylvanian to surviving NSO and beyond!
Credit: Daniel XuNew Student Orientation is simultaneously one of the best and most stressful times as a Penn freshman. It’s all new and exciting, but also can be extremely confusing. But fear not, The Daily Pennsylvanian will be your guide to one of Penn’s craziest weeks.
1. Don’t be afraid to attend events with people you don’t know.
One of the most important aspects is meeting new people. The best way to do so is to attend events you find interesting, as it will attract others with similar interests. Many of the events cater to specific interests, so if it doesn’t sound like something enjoyable, skip it.
2. Do not say no to free food.
Must we even explain?
3. The safety sessions are mandatory for a reason.
Though it seems fairly self-explanatory, “Safe Living” is an important event. University administrators give all of the information on safety precautions, numbers to call for help and how to avoid bad situations. Another mandatory event is called “Speak About It,” a primer on the importance of consent and healthy relationships. Go and take it seriously.
4. PennFest is better than you think.
At 9 p.m. on Friday is PennFest, which will feature vendors from around Philly. Penn food trucks are easily one of the greatest aspects of this school. The sooner you discover the great food — and cheap prices — the better off you will be. Any chance given to take advantage of Philly food is not one to miss. Eat. Enjoy.
5. Convocation is cool. The desserts afterward are even better.
Monday is Convocation. Penn President Amy Gutmann will speak along with other high ranking University administrators. Dress up for the ceremony, sit through it, and then bask in the glory of all the free dessert at the reception that follows shortly after. Just don’t be those kids who bring tupperware and ruin the fun for everyone else.
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