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Columbia senior Emma Sulkowicz gained national attention for carrying her mattress around campus in protest of Columbia not expelling her alleged rapist Paul Nungesser. But she is far from the only Columbia student accusing Nungresser of rape.

A fourth student, who identifies as a "queer and black" male, has publicly accused Nungresser of raping him three years ago when both men were freshmen. The student, who is given the pseudonym Adam in a story by Jezebel, said that the two men were close friends prior to the event and that he filed a complaint with the student group both belonged to.

However, seeing Sulkowicz' performance art gaining national attention, Adam decided to go file a Title IX complaint with Columbia against Nungresser, a case which is currently pending. 

The Jezebel story comes soon after a story by The Daily Beast revealed Nungresser's version of events between him and Sulkowicz. Nungresser said that he engaged in consensual sex with Sulkowicz and maintained a cordial relationship with her afterwards, showing Facebook conversations between himself and Sulkowicz. 

For Nungresser's full rundown of his relationship with Sulkowicz, read here. For Jezebel's in-depth piece on the accusations facing him, click here. 

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